Feeling blue today? It’s not uncommon—the start of the 9-5 working week can bring on a serious case of sadness. (New Order didn’t write ‘Blue Monday’ for no reason.) Here we give you some great advice for making Monday a day to look forward to.
Studies have found that people display biological signs of stress when they began thinking about Monday morning. Based on a study of Twitter messages, researchers think people are most likely to feel down on Mondays and Tuesdays. Other researchers say most workers don’t smile until about 11:16 am on Mondays! However, we’ve got a fantastic action plan for you to follow. Here are 13 simple steps to beat blue Monday and greet the new week like it’s Friday night.
Don’t live for the weekends.Studies show people who are stressed at work tend to be much happier on the weekend. So don’t only look forward to Saturday and Sunday; try to spread out the joy and plan something fun during the week, like movie night with your friends, meeting someone for lunch, or getting up 30 mins earlier and indulging in a hobby.
- Relax! Pick either Friday or Saturday night to go out, and spend another evening staying home with friends. (Game night, anyone?!) Too much time out and about may lead to less sleep and if you’re drinking – pesky hangovers.
- Don’t sleep in. Who can resist sleeping till noon? But instead of waking up just in time for lunch, try sticking to the same sleep schedule all week to feel rested and energised all week long. Yes, that does mean getting up at 6am on a Sunday, but that means you’ll be sleepy enough to go to sleep at a reasonable time, meaning you can get up on Monday morning no problem.
- Plan ahead Sunday night. Lay out your Monday morning outfit and pack a good lunch the night before, meaning you’ll not have to work as hard to get ready. This will help to eliminate any stress and make Mondays more tolerable. And if you really can’t lose your weekend lie-ins, remember to switch your alarm back on in order to wake up on time and avoid being late for work.
- Hit the hay early on Sunday. Make sure to get seven to nine hours of sleep to make sure you’re not exhausted Monday morning. Getting to bed at a reasonable hour will make the alarm clock your new friend; you will be leaping out of bed ready to face the day.
- Don’t skip breakfast. Boost metabolism and jump-start the day with a hearty breakfast. Try making some overnight oats so you can simply take it out of the fridge and eat it. Cereals and toast sometimes just doesn’t cut it.
- Get pumped with some tunes. While getting ready for work, turn up the stereo. Listening to music can boost mood and get you pumped up for work. If you’re up before anyone else, there’s nothing wrong with leaving it til your commute. Play your favourite album in the car, or over headphones on the train.
- Hit the gym. It’s no secret that exercise amps up endorphin levels, so try getting in early morning exercise to start the day off right. Even just a quick walk around the block will help get you going.
- Look snazzy. New dress, new day. Save that latest fun purchase for Monday morning, or even wear red to feel more confident when headed to the office. It’ll give you something to look forward to.
- Smile! Smile in the shower, smile on the train, smile in the car…show those pearly whites to the whole office. It’s well known that smiling, even when you’re not feeling it on the inside, can help with your mood.
- Treat yourself! Make Monday rewarding: Indulge in a piece of chocolate, do some online shopping during lunch-hour, do something you love on a Monday.
- Take small breaks throughout the day. Don’t stay glued to your desk. Take a walk to get some fresh air, avoid eating lunch at the desk, or if possible, hit the gym for a quick workout.
- Figure out why Mondays are blue.If you’re dreading Mondays no matter what, then it may be time to switch careers… or maybe contact us if you’re having trouble dealing with daily life.