
What are the January Blues and How To Cope

If you’re feeling down and blue, know you’re not alone. Many people battle with the January blues, and here are some effective ways to help you battle the post-holiday season lull. Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year, will fall on January 20th of this year. Many people experience a lull through the…

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Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. SAD is sometimes known as “winter depression” because the symptoms are usually more apparent and more severe during the winter. A few people with SAD may have symptoms during the summer and feel better during the winter. Symptoms of…

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13 Ways to Beat the Monday Blues

Feeling blue today? It’s not uncommon—the start of the 9-5 working week can bring on a serious case of sadness. (New Order didn’t write ‘Blue Monday’ for no reason.) Here we give you some great advice for making Monday a day to look forward to. Studies have found that people display biological signs of stress…

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The least lonely town in Britain?

Following on from the recent posts about loneliness, we thought it would be good to look at an example of how loneliness can be tackled in the community, what people in that community decided to do, how they went about it, and what impact it had on the community in terms of both physical and…

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Loneliness and Mental Health

In the last post we looked at the recent launch of a major government campaign ‘Let’s Talk Loneliness’, and the reasons why loneliness is such a big issue for us today, how it can affect anyone, and how many people experience loneliness. This time, we’d like to look a bit closer at how loneliness can…

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Let’s talk Loneliness

It’s a month ago that the ‘Let’s talk Loneliness’ campaign was launched as part of Loneliness Awareness Week. Perhaps a good time to reflect on what the campaign is about and why it’s so important. So, what is it all about? The campaign is a high profile bid to tackle the stigma of loneliness and…

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Did you know we offer couple counselling

Did you know we offer couple counselling. Couple counselling is a broad term referring to relationship counselling, marriage guidance and pre-marriage counselling. The counsellor will aim to give you each the time and space to be heard in a calm environment free of rows or interruptions. For more information please click here

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Time to relax the ‘stiff upper lip’?

There are so many differences between the generations we notice as we grow older, and watch our children and their friends grow up and start to become adult individuals. Strange tastes in music, unusual fashion choices and differences in the way younger generations interact and socialise may be some of the things we notice –…

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Self harm and teenagers.

If you open a newspaper you could be forgiven for thinking there is a self-harm crisis in our schools. There has certainly been an increase in awareness of self harm as an issue. It affects girls and young women in particular, but also boys and young men. Modern teenage lives can be stressful and very…

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Can Running beat Exam Stress?

With end of year exams for many students at schools, colleges and universities, levels of stress and anxiety for many are inevitably going to be high. Stress is not always a bad thing in itself. It can help keep us on our toes and perform better. However excessive stress and anxiety can be overwhelming and…

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