Our Approach

Sessions and appointments

Each counselling session lasts one hour.

As a new client Cheryl would telephone you to briefly explore any issues you wished to bring to counselling, what you hope to achieve, and which of our counsellors might be the best fit for you. If you decide our approach is right for you and we agree to continue, we would arrange a time for you to meet one of us on a regular basis for hourly sessions. We can also offer Zoom, FaceTime and Skype appointments.

The number and frequency of sessions will be up to you. As an individual (or couple) you will respond to counselling in your own way. You may see benefits after a few sessions or you may need longer. We can agree a number of sessions at outset or leave this open-ended.


We work online and in various locations in the Preston area and will provide you with the address and directions before your first appointment.


If you decide to continue beyond our initial session,we will ask you to sign a standard contract which sets out the counselling process. To see a copy the contract please click here


Our fee is £55 per hour for Individuals, £65 for Couples, EAPs and Families by negotiation.

Our Contact details

If you think we may be able to help you, or would like to discuss any aspect of the type of counselling we offer, please contact Cheryl by phone or email. Please phone Cheryl on 07838 245395 or e-mail her at info@prestoncounsellingassociates.co.uk

You may feel awkward or uncomfortable about making that first contact. That’s entirely natural. Please be assured that we will do all we can to put you at ease.